Sunday, November 11, 2007

Cute Animation Story

Here's a CUTE picture-story to enjoy.

There are so many projects and assignments that are waiting to be started and done with. One nearly down, three and many more to go...

Monday, November 5, 2007

Cute Stuffs

This morning on my way to school in the train, there were 2 Korean ladies sitting beside me. I was having a little doze as usual when I heard something (or rather SOMEONE) which sounded like Japanese or Korean. It took me a few seconds to realise that they were speaking in Korean. I was simply delighted! But sadly, I've been taking Korean lessons in school for more than one semester and I could only catch these following words/phrases in Korean: brother, uncle, how much is your camera, how... (and so on). They speak exactly the same way in the Korean dramas, only that they were speaking much MUCH faster!

Speaking of Korean, I chanced upon this Korean puzzle game. The graphics are really cute! ^-^
My rating: 4/5

Play Sobics School

Here are more cute stuffs:

I took a video of this cute puppy at Pets Safari. It's super hyperactive. BEWARE.

For PINK or CAT lovers, you'll fall in love with this pen.

My eye-candy: Mini Chuppa Chupps handphone strap!

Notice the age warning.
