Monday, November 5, 2007

Cute Stuffs

This morning on my way to school in the train, there were 2 Korean ladies sitting beside me. I was having a little doze as usual when I heard something (or rather SOMEONE) which sounded like Japanese or Korean. It took me a few seconds to realise that they were speaking in Korean. I was simply delighted! But sadly, I've been taking Korean lessons in school for more than one semester and I could only catch these following words/phrases in Korean: brother, uncle, how much is your camera, how... (and so on). They speak exactly the same way in the Korean dramas, only that they were speaking much MUCH faster!

Speaking of Korean, I chanced upon this Korean puzzle game. The graphics are really cute! ^-^
My rating: 4/5

Play Sobics School

Here are more cute stuffs:

I took a video of this cute puppy at Pets Safari. It's super hyperactive. BEWARE.

For PINK or CAT lovers, you'll fall in love with this pen.

My eye-candy: Mini Chuppa Chupps handphone strap!

Notice the age warning.


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