Monday, October 15, 2007

First Day of School of 2nd Sem


Today's the first day of 2nd semester. Going back to school after having a LONG 2-month holiday feels so wierd. I'm just so not used to going to school AGAIN. But anyway, the good thing is that we don't have any formal lessons, and classes ended even before noon. :)

I've been busy making videos the few days before school re-opened (so that explains why I haven't updated; but this is not the only reason, haha, you'll know why soon enough). I'm still in the midst of preparing the videos so probably I'll post them up in my next entry. MAYBE.

We went to Miss Clarity Cafe for lunch. But we had to take a long bus trip and WALK some distance to reach there. Grr. It made me and my tummy so hungry.

The cafe have pink table tops.

Even parts of their walls and ceiling are covered in pink.

Dessert-of-the-day is ice-cream, and it's also... PINK!

I ended the afternoon by having a fringe cut at REDSbugisjunction and bought a top at Double Index. I couldn't resist buying it when i knew that it was at a discount of 70%!

I just adore the music score design on this top. I may just try to play it out and see what it sounds like. :)

Even the plastic bag is also PINK. xD

It's such a PINK DAY. And I love it. :)

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